Event Management benefits

Benefits of Hiring an Event Management Company

  There’re several benefits of hiring an event management company.  When planning, organizing and executing events, there are a tremendous number of advantages to using an event management company. Event management companies cohesively work together to ensure the success of your event. Prague Eventery’s team of dedicated innovators thrive on creative thinking to guarantee the execution of your event in… Read more →

CastleRentPrague HlubokaCastle

8 Beautiful Venues in Prague for Hosting your Event

With over 700 unique venues throughout the Czech Republic, let Prague Eventery help you select the best one for your event. Whether you’re interested in classic monasteries or majestic palaces, this capital city is cluttered with venues of all different shapes and sizes. Below is a very small selection of 8 beautiful venues for hosting your event! Troja Chateau Renowned… Read more →

Prague Jewish Quarter

Significance of Prague Jewish Quarter in Czech Tourism Industry

Prague Jewish Quarter is undoubtedly one of the most impressive places in the capital of the Czech Republic. The official name of Prague Jewish Quarter is Josefov. The place is extremely beautiful but it also has a wrathful and complicated history. It used to be the largest Jewish ghetto in Europe, and the Old Jewish Cemetery, present on Prague Jewish… Read more →

List of the Most Exciting Things to Do in Prague in October

List of the Most Exciting Things to Do in Prague in October

You just cannot deny that Prague is one of the most exquisite global tourist destinations. Its streets are always full of tourists, especially in autumn because of its gorgeous architecture and the pleasant weather conditions. There are a lot of things to do in Prague in October. One of the best things about visiting Prague in October is the hotel… Read more →


List of 10 Best Hotels in Prague that Define Czech Hospitality

Prague is known as the Golden City of Europe. The city of Prague is extremely well maintained and it is one of the best tourist destinations in Europe. Prague was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992. The city of Prague has got architectures, artwork and designs of unprecedented stature and the extraordinary setting of majestic castles on the… Read more →

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