We really, really hope you do not need the info below, but just in case…
Listed in Alphabetical order. No preferences here!
Please be aware of the fact that the travel document of the foreigner must have been issued within last ten years and must
be valid at least three months after the departure from the Schengen area.
Please check with your local embassy to confirm visa status requirements.
Argentina – Embassy of the Argentine Republic
Panská 6, Praha 1, 110 00
tel: 224 212 448, 224 212 449
fax: 222 241 246
Australia – Consulate of the Commonwealth of Australia
Klimentská 10, Praha 1, 110 00
tel: 296 578 350, 296 578 351
fax: 296 578 352
Office Hours: 09:00-13.00 14:00-17:00
Austria – Embassy of the Republic of Austria
Viktora Huga 10, Praha 5 – Smíchov, 151 15
tel: 257 090 511
fax: 257 316 045
e-mail: austrianembassy@vol.cz
Office Hours: 08:30-16:30
Belarus – Embassy of the Republic of Belarus
Sádky 626, Praha 7, 171 00
tel: 233 540 899, 233 541 904
fax: 233 540 925
Office Hours: 09:00-12:00 13:00-17.00
Belgium – Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium
Valdštejnská 6, Praha 1 – Malá Strana, 118 01
tel: 257 533 283 – 287
fax: 257 533 750
e-mail: Ambabel-Prague@mbox.vol.cz
Office Hours: 08:30-12:30 14:00-17:00 (Mon-Thur)
08:30-12:30 14:00-16:00 (Fri)
Brazil – Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil
Sušická 12, P.O.Box 79, Praha 6, 160 41
tel: 224 324 965, 224 321 910, 224 315 881
fax: 224 312 901
e-mail: chebrem@mbox.vol.cz
Office Hours: 08:30-16:30
Bulgaria – Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria
Krakovská 6, Praha 1, 110 00
tel: 222 211 258, 222 211 260, 222 212 011
fax: 222 211 728
Office Hours: 08:00-16:30
Canada – Canadian Embassy
Muchova 6, Praha 6, 160 00
tel: 272 101 800
fax: 272 101 890
Visas: 272 101 890
Office Hours : 08:00-12:30 13:30-16:00
Chile – Embassy of the Republic of Chile
U Vorlíků 4/623, Praha 6 – Bubeneč, 160 00
tel: 224 315 064, 224 313 176
fax: 224 316 069
e-mail: echilecz@mbox.vol.cz
Office Hours: 09:00-17:00
China – Embassy of the People’s Republic of China
Pelléova 18, Praha 6 – Bubeneč, 160 00
tel: 224 311 323 (Protocol), 233 028 800 (12.00 – 13.30)
fax: 224 319 888
Office Hours: 08:00-12:00 13:30-16:30
Croatia – Embassy of the Republic of Croatia
V Průhledu 9, Praha 6, 162 00
tel: 233 340 479, 233 355 695, 233 355 247
fax: 233 343 464
e-mail: velrhprag@vol.cz
Office Hours: 08:00-16:00
Cuba – Embassy of the Republic of Cuba
Sibiřské nám. 1, Praha 6, 160 00
tel: 224 311 253, 233 321 309
fax: 233 341 029
e-mail: embacubapraga@embacuba.cz
Office Hours: 08:00-16:00
Cyprus – Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus
Sibiřské nám. 6, Praha 6 – Bubeneč, 160 00
tel: 224 316 833, 224 319 961
fax: 224 317 529
e-mail: cyprusembass@mbox.vol.cz
Office Hours: 08:30-15:30
Denmark – Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark
Maltézské náměstí 5 P.O. Box 25, Praha 1 – Malá Strana, 118 01
tel: 257 531 600
fax: 257 531 410
e-mail: prgamb@um.dk
Office Hours: 08:00-16:30
Egypt – Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Pelléova 14, Praha 6 – Bubeneč, 160 00
tel: 224 311 506
fax: 224 311 157
e-mail: embassyegypt@iol.cz
Office Hours: 09:00–16:00
Estonia – Embassy of the Republic of Estonia
Na Kampě 1, Praha 1, 118 00
tel: 257 011 180
fax: 257 011 181
e-mail: embassy.prague@estemb.cz
Office Hours: 09:00-12:00 13:00-17:00
European Union – Delegation of the European Commission
Pod Hradbami 17, P.O.Box 192, Praha 6, 160 41
tel: 224 312 835
fax: 224 312 850
e-mail: delegation-czech@cec.eu.int
Office Hours: 08:30-13:00 14:00-17:00
Finland – Embassy of the Republic of Finland
Hellichova 1, Praha 1, 110 00
tel: 251 177 251
fax: 251 177 241
e-mail: sanomat.pra@formin.fi
Office Hours: 08:00-12:00 13:00-16:15
Visa Section: 09:00–12:00
France – Embassy of the French Republic
Velkopřevorské nám. 2, P.O.Box 102, Praha 1, 118 01
tel: 251 171 711
fax: 251 171 720
Office Hours: 09:00-13:00 15:00–18:00
Germany – Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Vlašská 19, Praha 1, 118 01
tel: 257 113 111, 257 531 481
fax: 257 534 056
e-mail: ZReg@Prag.auswaertiges-amt.de
Office Hours: 08:00–16:30 (Mo-Thur)
08:00–15:00 (Fri)
Greece – Embassy of the Hellenic Republic
Helénská 2, Praha 2, 120 00
tel: 222 250 943, 222 250 955
fax: 222 253 686
e-mail: greekemb@czn.cz
Office Hours: 08:30-15:30
Hungary – Embassy of the Republic of Hungary
Českomalínská 20, Praha 6 – Bubeneč, 160 00
tel: 233 324 454, 220 317 200
fax: 233 322 104
e-mail: huembprg@vol.cz
Office Hours: 08:00-16:30 (Mo-Thur) 08:00-14:00 (Fri)
Iceland – Consulate General of the Republic of Iceland
Karlova 20, Praha 1, 110 00
tel: 222 221 218
fax: 222 221 419
e-mail: thorir@mbox.vol.cz
Office Hours: 09:00-16:00
India – Embassy of the Republic of India
Valdštejnská 6, Praha 1 – Malá Strana, 118 00
tel: 257 533 490
fax: 257 533 378, 257 533 285
e-mail: indembprague@bohem-net.cz , eiprague.comwing@nextra.cz
Office Hours: 09:00-13:00 13:30-17:30
Iran – Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Na Zátorce 18, Praha 6, 160 00
tel: 220 570 454, 220 570 455, 233 381 113
fax: 233 380 255
e-mail: embircz@volny.cz
Office Hours: 08:30-16:30
Iraq – Embassy of the Republic of Iraq
Na Zátorce 10, Praha 6, 160 00
tel: 224 319 810, 224 319 811
fax: 224 316 706
e-mail: iraqiembassy@iol.cz
Office Hours: 09:00-15:00
Ireland – Embassy of Ireland
Tržiště 13, Praha 1, 118 00
tel: 257 530 061-4
fax: 257 531 387
e-mail: irishembassy@iol.cz
Office Hours: 09:00-13:00 14:00-17:00
Israel – Embassy of the State of Israel
Badeniho 2, Praha 7, 170 06
tel: 233 097 500, 233 097 513, 233 097 515
fax: 233 097 519
Office Hours: 08:30-17:00 (Mon-Thur) 08:30-14:30 (Fri)
Italy – Embassy of the Republic of Italy
Nerudova 20, Praha 1 – Malá Strana, 118 00
tel: 233 080 111
fax: 257 531 522
e-mail: italemba@mbox.vol.cz
Office Hours: 08:30-14:00 15:00-18:00
Japan – Embassy of Japan
Maltézské nám. 6, Praha 1 – Malá Strana, 118 01
tel: 257 533 546, 257 530 884, 257 011 011
fax: 257 532 377
e-mail: bunka.jp@volny.cz
Office Hours: 08:30-12:30 13:30-17:30
Kazakhstan – Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Romaina Rollanda 12, Praha 6, 160 00
tel: 233 375 642, 233 371 221
fax: 233 375 642
e-mail: kzembas@bon.cz
Office Hours: 09:00-13:00 14:00-18:00
Korea – Embassy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Na Zátorce 6, Praha 6, 160 00
tel: 224 320 783, 603-552 870
fax: 224 318 817
Office Hours: 08:00-12:00 13:00-17:00
Korea – Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Slavíčkova 5, Praha 6 – Bubeneč, 160 00
tel: 234 090 411
fax: 234 090 450
Office Hours: 09:00-12:30 13:30-17:00
Kuwait – Embassy of the State of Kuwait
Na Zátorce 26, Praha 6, 160 00
tel: 220 570 781, 782, 783
fax: 220 570 787
Office Hours: 09:00-15:00
Latvia – Embassy of the Republic of Latvia
Hradešínská 3, P.O.Box 54, Praha 10, 101 00
tel: 255 700 881
fax: 255 700 880
e-mail: embassy.czech@mfa.gov.lv
Office Hours: 08:30-17:00
Lithuania – Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania
Pod Klikovkou 1916/2, Praha 5, 150 00
tel: 257 210 122, 257 210 123
fax: 257 210 124
Office Hours: 08:00-16:00
Luxembourg – Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Tržiště 13, Praha 1, 118 00
tel: 257 181 800
fax: 257 532 537
e-mail: info@ambalux.cz
Malta – Consulate of the Republic of Malta
Perlová 1, Praha 1, 110 00
tel: 221 667 360
fax: 221 667 387
Office Hours: 09:00-17:30
Mexico – Embassy of the United Mexican States
Nad Kazankou 8, Praha 7 – Troja, 171 00
tel: 283 061 530, 283 061 540
fax: 233 550 477
Office Hours: 09:00-17:00
Mongolia – Embassy of Mongolia
Na Marně 5, Praha 6, 160 00
tel: 224 311 198, 224 325 760, 233 326 976
fax: 224 314 827
e-mail: monemb@bohem-net.cz
Office Hours: 08:30-17:00
Morocco – Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco
K Starému Bubenči 4, Praha 6, 160 00
tel: 233 320 267, 233 325 656
fax: 233 322 634
Office Hours: 09:00-15:00
Netherlands – Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Gotthardská 6/27, Praha 6 – Bubeneč, 160 00
tel: 224 312 190
fax: 224 312 160
e-mail: nlgovpra@ti.cz
Office Hours: 09:00-13:00 14:00-17:00
New Zealand – Consulate of New Zealand
Dykova 19, Praha 10, 101 00
tel: 222 514 672
fax: 224 254 640
e-mail: egermayer@nzconsul.cz
Office Hours: Visits by Appointment
Norway – Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway
Hellichova 1/458, Praha 1 – Malá Strana, 118 00
tel: 257 323 737, 257 321 768
fax: 257 326 827
e-mail: emb.prague@mfa.no
Office Hours: 09:00-15:30
Poland – Embassy of the Republic of Poland
Valdštejnská 8, Praha 1, 118 01
tel: 257 530 388
fax: 257 530 135
e-mail: ambrpczechy@mbox.vol.cz
Office Hours: 08:00-16:00
Portugal – Embassy of the Portuguese Republic
nám. Kinských 7, Praha 5, 150 00
tel: 257 311 230, 257 311 231
fax: 257 311 234
Office Hours: 09:00-16:00
Romania – Embassy of Romania
Nerudova 5, P.O.Box 87, Praha 1, 118 01
tel: 257 534 210
fax: 257 531 017
e-mail: embroprg@mbox.ol.cz
Office Hours: 07:30-13:00 13:30-16:00
Russia – Embassy of the Russian Federation
nám. Pod Kaštany 1, Praha 6 – Bubeneč, 160 00
tel: 233 374 100, 233 375 358 (Protocol) 233 371 548, 233 371 549
fax: 233 377 235
e-mail: rusembassy@cdnet.org
Office Hours: 08:00-13:00 14:00-17:00
Saudi Arabia – Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Na Hřebenkách 70, Praha 5, 150 00
tel: 257 316 597, 257 316 606
fax: 257 316 593
e-mail: RSE@saudi-embassy.cz
Office Hours: 09:00-15:00
Serbia and Montenegro – Embassy of Serbia and Montenegro
mail: yuambacz@mb
ox.vol.czMostecká 15, Praha 1, 118 00
tel: 257 532 075, 257 530 393 (Ambassador´s Secretary)
fax: 257 533 948
e-mail: yuambacz@mbox.vol.cz
Office Hours: 08.00-15:30
Slovakia – Embassy of the Slovak Republic
Pod Hradbami 1, Praha 6, 160 00
tel: 233 113 051, 233 113 052 (Secretary of the Ambassador)
fax: 233 113 054
e-mail: skembassy@pha.inecnet.cz
Office Hours: 08:00-12:00 13:00-16:00
Slovenia – Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia
Pod Hradbami 15, Praha 6, 160 41
tel: 233 081 211
fax: 224 314 106
e-mail: vpr@mzz-dkp.gov.si
Office Hours: 08:30-16:00 (Mo-Thur) 08:30-15.00 (Fri)
South Africa – Embassy of the Republic of South Africa
Ruská 65, P.O.Box 133, Praha 10 – Vršovice, 100 00
tel: 267 311 114, 271 731 799
fax: 267 311 395
e-mail: saprague@terminal.cz
Office Hours: 08:00-16:30 (Mon-Thur) 08:00-14:00 (Fri)
Sovereign Order of Malta – Embassy of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta
Lázeňská 4, Praha 1 – Malá Strana, 118 00
tel: 257 531 874, 257 532 375
fax: 257 535 995
e-mail: smom@mbox.vol.cz
Office Hours: 09:00-12:00
Spain – Embassy of Spain
Pevnostní 9, Praha 6, 162 00
tel: 224 311 222, 224 311 441
fax: 233 341 770, 233 340 813 /Cultural Section/
e-mail: EmbPraha@gts.cz
Office Hours: 08:30-16:00
Sweden – Embassy of Sweden
Úvoz 13, P.O. Box 35, Praha 612, 160 12
tel: 220 313 200
fax: 220 313 240
e-mail: ambassaden.prag@foreign.ministry.se
Office Hours: 08:30-12:30 13:30-16:30
Open for the Public: 09:00-12:00
Switzerland – Embassy of the Swiss Confederation
Pevnostní 7, P.O.Box 84, Praha 6, 162 01
tel: 220 400 611
fax: 224 311 312
e-mail: Vertretung@pra.rep.admin.ch
Office Hours: 08:00-13:15 14:00-17:00 (Mon, Thur) 08:00-14:00 (Fri)
Syria – Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic
Juárezova 14, Praha 6, 160 00
tel: 224 310 952, 224 311 171, 224 318 876
fax: 224 317 911
Office Hours: 09:00-14:30
Thailand – Embassy of the Kingdom of Thailand
Romaina Rollanda 3, Praha 6 – Bubeneč, 160 00
tel: 220 571 435, 220 571 439, 220 570 055
fax: 220 570 049
e-mail: thai@thaiemb.cz
Office Hours: 08:30-12:30 13:30-16:30
Tunisia – Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia
Nad Kostelem 8, Praha 4 – Bráník, 147 00
tel: 244 460 652, 244 460 653
fax: 244 460 825
Office Hours: 08:30-16:00
Turkey – Embassy of the Republic of Turkey
Pevnostní 3, Praha 616, 162 00
tel: 224 311 402, 224 311 403
fax: 224 311 279
Office Hours: 09:00-12:30 14:00-16:30
Ukraine – Embassy of Ukraine
Charlese de Gaulla 29, Praha 6, 160 00
tel: 233 342 000
fax: 233 344 366
e-mail: kosak@mbox.vol.cz
Office Hours: 08:00-12:00 13:00-17:00
United Kingdom – Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Thunovská 14, Praha 1, 118 00
tel: 257 402 111
fax: 257 402 296
Office Hours: 08:30-12:30 13:30-17:00
United States of America – Embassy of the United States of America
Tržiště 15, Praha 1, 118 01
tel: 257 530 663, 257 532 716 (after hours)
fax: 257 530 583
Office Hours: 08:00-16:00
Vietnam – Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Plzeňská 214, Praha 5, 150 00
tel: 257 211 540
fax: 257 211 792
Office Hours: 08:00-12:00 13:00-16:00